ANYA is a contemporary sci-fi love story about newlyweds whose seemingly simple decision to have a baby catapults them to the center of an explosive genetics mystery with far-reaching consequences for their child and the future of humanity. 

Starring: Ali Ahn (LIBBY), Gil Perez-Abraham (MARCO), Motel Foster (SEYMOUR), Barbara Rosenblat (ROSALIND), Olivia Oguma (ENDO), Ana Maria Jomolca (SARA), Anna Kayne (FAUSTA)

Created by: Jacob Akira Okada and Carylanna Taylor, PhD

About: 2019, 80 minutes, science-based fiction, set in NYC

Notable: "Science and Diversity in Film" article on

Where to watch: Amazon, Apple, Fandango Now, Google Play, Vimeo, Vudu, Xbox, & DVD

Educational Distribution: ANYA is also available through (Films Media Group). Check with your school or public library.

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